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Whois information for a domain name, what is it?

The owner of each domain name the domain name during registration, financial, and technical and was created to determine who was responsible, record and write record forwarded to the company through in-person, or company name, phone, e-mail address that hosts the totality of the data and physical details domain name whois information.

Whois query How does it work?

Domain WHOIS query, via the company Registry related to authorized IP addresses or hosts of the secretaries WHOIS server set up as the official specific agreements with private security to be transmitted to the base with the terms of the data that is assigned to be performed.

WHOIS record hidden/what is this information?

Some domains of the identification information is hidden. Domain WHOIS protection, this is referred to as. Whois protection Whois information of domain names in which the confidentiality of the owners or managers to achieve financial or technical notice must provide the proxy address. Protection each service provider, whois, ICANN rules, the ID of the hidden field name itself transmitted over the real owner shall deliver to the notifications. Based on the information declared in this obligation, because it is considered to reach the hidden field name WHOIS the real owner of accuracy and actuality of the domain name is primarily relevant contact information it is the responsibility of the owner.